My first clinic was so awesome! The drive was a little intimidating, but shoutout to everyone in my car who believed in me because we had so much fun talking throughout the whole trip and bonding! During clinic I learned a lot of valuable skills such as taking blood pressure, temperature, and what questions to ask a patient in regards to their concerns. Shadowing Dr. Calvillo and Dr. Weena was eye-opening because I really got to experience their thought processes when assessing a patient, and it really inspired me to see them and the other IHC members in their element. I was also able to hang out with the children outside of clinic, watching them paint and play. They are so fun to be around, and I really want to start picking up on Spanish again because I feel like I can talk to them forever. After clinic, I took Brian and Ashley to eat pho and it let me just say it really made my day.
Overall, I absolutely loved my first clinic trip, and I’m so excited for what’s to come in the future! I’m really glad I joined this organization because the IHC members are so welcoming and make me feel like I’m part of a family. I hope to meet more members in the next year, and although there are some members who I recently met that are already graduating, I wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors! As for myself, I’m determined to become more involved with my service in this organization and its various projects. This summer I’ll be taking EMT classes at Miramar, so hopefully I’ll join the triage team as a certified EMT (and be able to go to San Juanico next winter!)